Connor's teacher at daycare called me last week to let me know there are a few openings in preschool and they think Connor is ready to move up. There's only one catch - he has to be potty trained. We agreed to increase our efforts in getting him to the point where he can make the switch. Connor has known for a while now
when he needs to go potty. He just doesn't
want to go. In fact, he's been known to stand in front of me, look me in the eye, and actually tell me he's in the process of doing his business in his pull up. It's been so frustrating! Luckily for us, his best friend Rita has moved up. As he puts it, she's now "in the big girl class." Surprisingly, this has lit a fire under him and he is now very willing to do what he needs to do so he can be in the big boy class. The other night, he announced he had to go potty. We were so excited to hear those words and rushed him into the bathroom. He asked for some privacy, so we closed the door. After a minute or so, he called out from the bathroom . . .
Connor: Hey Dad?
Daddy: Yeah buddy?
Connor: Can you do me a favor?
Daddy: Sure. What do you need?
Connor: Can you give Riley a hug for me?
Daddy: Sure.
Connor: Thanks.
A few minutes went by. Then . . .
Connor: Hey Dad?
Daddy: Yeah buddy?
Connor: Can you do me another favor?
Daddy: Sure.
Connor: Can you give Riley a kiss for me too?
This morning he woke up a bit early. I went into his room and asked him to play quietly while I got ready. Right after I finished blow drying my hair, I heard him rummaging around in his closet. I couldn't fathom what shenanigans he was getting into and soon heard him calling for me. When I opened his door, he greeted me with a big smile and wearing nothing more than his pajama top. He excitedly told me he had gone to the bathroom in his potty. It's a little portable potty that has been more useful as a step stool for him than as a potty. Until today. Realizing that he had to go, he took it upon himself to drag the potty out of his closet and took care of business. I think my eyes actually filled with tears of joy.