July 13, 2008

Jake's Party

One of Connor's buddies from daycare, Jake, is turning 3 this week. To celebrate, he had a big birthday party this afternoon. Jake's parents hired someone to do face painting and balloon animals. Connor wanted nothing to do with the face painting, even though he thought the snake Jake's brother got on his face was pretty cool. Instead, he settled for a snake tattoo on his arm. Rita didn't want anything to do with the face painting either, but settled for a fairy tattoo on her arm.

Like two peas in a pod, Connor and Rita followed each other around. At one point, the two of them were standing at a water table. Another girl was standing between them, and out of the blue she decided to splash Rita, which did not make Rita happy at all. Connor looked at the girl and immediately splashed her as payback. Later, Connor and Rita were jumping in a blow up "bouncy house." The same girl knocked Rita down. Connor came to Rita's rescue again and helped her stand up, reached out to smooth down her hair, then continued jumping. What a little gentleman!

1 comment:

Bartlett Family said...

I love the picture with Rita and Connor riding off into the sunset. Well, so to speak. It's so precious.