April 18, 2009

Party Time Again!

Riley goes wild whenever he sees Mickey Mouse or Spongebob Squarepants so when I began planning his birthday party, I struggled with the options. I ended up opting to go the Mickey route.


Since Riley doesn't technically have any of his own "friends" yet, I basically looked at Riley's party as an excuse to get together with friends and family to have a good time - eat, drink and be merry. The anticipation of Riley's reaction to his first birthday cake was to be the highlight.

With as many toys as we already have, I really did try to convince everyone that Riley just wanted a box to play with. But no one ever listens to me. Between boxes and shoes, the boy doesn't even really need toys. When it was time to open gifts, I helped Riley up into his chair. However, Lexi decided she needed to sit in the chair instead, and kindly helped Riley out of the chair.

Of course he was spoiled. He received an array of toys, books, and clothes. Connor gave him a card he had made by himself, along with a Cookie Monster saxophone. I had taken him to the store to pick something out for Riley, and that's what he chose. Riley loves to dance, and the saxophone plays some fun music. He immediately started bobbing when he heard it playing. Daddy and I went the boring route and stuck with some clothes and a big Mickey for him to snuggle, plus some moolah to start a savings account. He grinned from ear to ear when he saw the Spongebob jacket that Rita gave him.

Yes, plural. I wasn't thrilled with the Mickey cake the store had, so I went with a Spongebob cake instead. For the smash cake, we had the option of balloons or butterflies. We obviously picked the balloons, and stuck a Mickey candle on it for him to blow out. For a few weeks leading up to the party, Grandma had Riley "practice" blowing out a candle in one of his books. Connor was nice enough to help him with the real flame.

In preparation for the mess that was sure to come, Daddy and I taped two garbage bags to the floor. After the candle was blown out, we placed Riley on the floor with his cake. He wasn't too sure what to think of it at first, but it didn't take too long for him to figure what he needed to do. With that said, he didn't consume as much as I thought he would. I was puzzled at first, thinking maybe his new teeth that were breaking through were bothering him. After the party though, Aunt Tin took a gander in his ears and discovered he had an ear infection. Just goes to show how easy going he is.

Just as Riley had finished covering the front of his body in frosting, I snatched him up and took upstairs for a bath while everyone else ate cake. By the time Riley was cleaned up, people were getting ready to head out. I didn't remember to take a picture of all the kids together until after Rita left, but at least I got the others.
* At some point during the party - I can't remember exactly when - Riley decided to take his first steps. The only two who didn't get to witness those steps: me and Daddy. We tried to get him to do it again, but the little stinker wouldn't even try.

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