February 14, 2011

Party Time!

Connor has had a few parties at school since August. I had yet to attend one, so I finally took some time off work so I could go to his Valentine's Day party. I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I arrived, I walked into chaos. Kids were everywhere, parents were standing around, and I was at a loss as to what I was supposed to do.  To the unsuspecting parent of a kindergartener (thus, no prior experience), it was an overwhelming introduction to the "class party."  I don't remember my elementary class having parties like this.  As I was standing in the doorway looking like a deer in headlights, Connor spotted me and came to my rescue.  He wanted to introduce me to a couple of his friends, and showed me where he sat.  His friend Cooper came over and they goofed around while I chatted with Cooper's mom.

Based on emails I've received over the past few months, I had come to the conclusion that the "Homeroom Mom" (I'm still not sure if she volunteered or if she was "voted" in) is a bit of an overachiever.  This party was no exception.  When I think of a class party, I think of a couple of cookies or cupcakes.  But no.  Not only were there two different types of cookies AND cupcakes, there was a veggie tray, fruit bowl, CapriSuns, bottles of water, and TEN PIZZAS!  At 3:00 in the afternoon.  Seriously!  Anyone who knows Connor knows he skipped everything except the cookies and cupcakes.  He may have grabbed a strawberry or two, but if he did, I missed it.


After stuffing their faces with all the treats, Homeroom Mom brought in two crafts for the kids to do.  There was only time to do one - a homemade foam picture frame.  While they were finishing up their craft, I walked around the room to look at some of the various projects that were hanging on the wall.  That's when I saw it . . . the infamous STOPLIGHT CALENDAR.

The stoplight calendar is the topic of conversation every weekday when Connor comes home.  Obviously he aims for green every day.  Green means he behaved, listened, etc. ALL DAY.  If his calendar is marked yellow, it's usually because he wasn't following directions or was goofing off with a friend.  The kids get one warning and move their clip to yellow.  If they are a repeat offender, they have to move it to red.  Based on stories Connor has shared, it didn't surprise me in the least to see Taye's clip was on red.  I'm beginning to think it must be superglued there.  I was very happy to see that Connor's clip was still on green at the time of the party.

If anything, this party was a learning experience for me.  At least I now have an idea of what to expect.  They only have one party left this school year . . . the last day of school.  Then it's on to first grade.  (Already?!)  I'll definitely be taking time off for that one.

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